984 research outputs found

    Does crime prevention mean something differently in Mexico? How Guadalajara's Police Department responds to mental health crisis.

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    Special Studies Experience, Summer 2016 -- Guadalajara, Jalisco Mexico -- Partner Agencie(s): Unidad Psicologica de Intervencion Primaria (UPIP)http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/134342/1/Poster_M.Ibarra-Frayre.pd

    Guerrilleras y activistas por la paz en Colombia: Incusion politica

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    O artigo apresenta uma reflexão sobre as transformações identitarias das mulheres como resultado da participação política em dois espaços opostos: as guerrilhas e as organizações que desdobram ações coletivas pela paz e contra da guerra em Colômbia. Se analisam as situações históricas e os fatores psicossociais que impulsionaram a decisão de vincular-se à uma ou outra opção política, em um marco no qual discorrem múltiplas violências. A análise se apóia na teoria da construção social e na perspectiva de gênero, para explicar a configuração da identidade feminina de guerrilheiras e ativistas pela paz e questiona a pertinência do pensamento estereotípico que pretende explicar os comportamentos sociais que se afastam das identidades associadas às concepções tradicionais, nas quais os rasgos de gênero são distorcidos.This article presents a reflection on the identity transformations in women as a consequence of their political participation in two opposing areas: the guerilla groups and the organizations involved in collective activities in search of peace and against the war in Colombia. Historical situations and the psychosocial factors which were behind their decision to join one political option or another are analyzed in a scenario in which many violent acts occur. The analysis is based on the social construction theory and the gender perspective to explain the make-up of the female identity of guerilla members and peace activists, and questions the relevance of stereotyped thinking which attempts to explain the social behaviours which distance themselves from the identities associated with traditional concepts in which gender-related traits are distorted.El artículo presenta una reflexión sobre las transformaciones identitarias de las mujeres como resultado de la participación política en dos espacios contrapuestos: las guerrillas y las organizaciones que despliegan acciones colectivas por la paz y en contra de la guerra en Colombia. Se analizan las situaciones históricas y los factores psicosociales que impulsaron la decisión de vincularse a una u otra opción política, en un escenario en el que discurren múltiples violencias. El análisis se apoya en la teoría de la construcción social y en la perspectiva de género, para explicar la configuración de la identidad femenina de guerrilleras y activistas por la paz y cuestiona la pertinencia del pensamiento estereotípico que pretende explicar los comportamientos sociales que se alejan de las identidades asociadas a las concepciones tradicionales, en las que los rasgos de género son distorsionados

    Studies on the Control and Pathophysiology of Bovine Nematodiases

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    Presented in this thesis are data from two parasitological studies on bovine parasitic gastroenteric and respiratory tract infections. In the first of these the control and epidemiology of naturally acquired infections of Ostertagia ostertagi, Cooperia oncophora, Nematodirus battus and Dictyocaulus viviparus in treated and untreated calves were studied. Treatment was by an experimental pour-on formulation of the relatively new anthelmintic Ivermectin. In the second the pathophysiological effects of an experimental daily trickle infection of O. ostertagi given to calves treated with a morantel tartrate sustained release device (MSRB) were compared with those of infected and clean control animals. In Chapter 1 the General Introduction deals with the epidemiology, treatment and control of bovine helminthiasis in the United Kingdom and this is followed by the general Materials and Methods in Chapter 2. Chapter 3, which begins with a revue of the recently developed anthelmintic Ivermectin, deals with the treatment and control of naturally acquired infections with gastrointestinal and respiratory tract nematode parasites. It is clear from the data presented that topically applied ivermectin can be successfully used to control bovine gastrointestinal parasites and that it is also extremely effective against the lungworm Dictyocaulus viviparus. Increasingly, it would appear that Nematodirus battus, or at least the strain of this species on pasture at the Glasgow University Veterinary Hospital, is adapting to cattle and can now cause clinical disease in this host. Radioisotopic methodology was a main feature of the second study, described in Chapter 4, which also highlights some of the problems associated with experimental infections designed to simulate a natural uptake of infective larvae under field conditions. While the daily infection dose level of 2,000 O. ostertagi L3/calf/day was insufficient to cause clinical disease it was nevertheless enough to alter the physiological parameters under study which revealed some of the adverse effects of a subclinical infection of Ostertagia species. Although it was shown that the activity of the MSRB was probably greatest against the adult rather than the larval stages of the parasite, it remains to be determined at which parasitic stage the anthelmintic action of this device primarily occurs. Finally the data obtained from both experiments is discussed in Chapter 5


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    This study investigated how individuals respond to four different styles of social comments that were presented either with or without humor, or humorously by a depressed acquaintance. Using a brief scenario format, 264 participants completed questionnaires measuring their responses to these comments, as well as their own levels of depression, social interaction anxiety, and self-esteem. Results showed humor led to a higher willingness to interact in the future, and had other facilitative positive effects that were specific to each style of comments. Identifying the presenter as depressed hindered some of these facilitative effects of humor, had detrimental effects for self-defeating humorous comments; and had facilitative effects for affiliative humorous comments. Finally, the role of recipients’ level of psychological well-being was minimal. Overall, these findings provide some support for the facilitative effects of humor on interpersonal interactions, and suggest certain characteristics of the presenter (i.e., depression level) may alter these effects

    Electrochemical lithium intercalation in nanosized manganese oxides

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    X-ray amorphous manganese oxides were prepared by reduction of sodium permanganate by lithium iodide in aqueous medium (MnOx-I) and by decomposition of manganese carbonate at moderate temperature (MnOx-C). TEM showed that these materials are not amorphous, but nanostructured, with a prominent spinel substructure in MnOx-C. These materials intercalate lithium with capacities up to 200 mAh/g at first cycle (potential window 1.8-4.3 V) and 175 mAh/g at 100th cycle. Best performances for MnOx-C are obtained with cobalt doping. Potential electrochemical spectroscopy shows that the initial discharge induces a 2-phase transformation in MnOx-C phases, but not in MnOx-I ones. EXAFS and XANES confirm the participation of manganese in the redox process, with variations in local structure much smaller than in known long-range crystallized manganese oxides. X-ray absorption spectroscopy also shows that cobalt in MnOx-C is divalent and does not participate in the electrochemical reaction


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    Los trastornos tiroideos en la etapa reproductiva son las alteraciones endocrinas más frecuentes, el hipotiroidismo con una frecuencia del 0.5 al 2.5% de los embarazos, la prevalencia de hipertiroidismo es de 0.1 a 0.4%

    Epsomite as flame retardant treatment for wood: Preliminary study

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    The effect of epsomite as flame retardant for wood has been investigated and compared with a commercial boron salt. Both flame retardants have been introduced into wood samples by vacuum impregnation. Epsomite is a hydrated sulphate salt with a water solubility of 731 g L-1 at room temperature. Thanks to this high solubility it was possible to obtain elevated epsomite loadings in comparison with the borax salt. Flame retardancy was evaluated by means of the limiting oxygen index, the dripping test and the exposition to a direct flame (Bunsen test). The results showed that the addition of epsomite increases the limiting oxygen index, delays the time to ignition and the evolution of the temperatures trough the wood. © 2016 Elsevier LtdPeer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    España en la poesía hispanofilipina

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    The purpose of this work is to highlight Hispanic-Philippine poetry, and to show how through it, great poets gave honor to Mother Spain. She was, without a doubt, a recurrent topic in Hispanic-Filipino poetry, inspiring the best of her poets, who treated her as a mother, conqueror and evangelist.El propósito de este trabajo es resaltar la poesía hispanofilipina, y mostrar cómo a través de ella, grandes poetas dieron honor a la madre España. Ella fue, sin lugar a dudas, un tópico recurrente en la poesía hispanofilipina, inspirando a lo mejor de sus poetas, quienes la trataron de madre, conquistadora y evangelizadora

    Errâncias na cidade: uma oportunidade para as disciplinas de projeto

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